From the sixteenth of January to the fourteenth of May in the year two-thousand eleven, Miss Amanda Cham was living in the country of Germany. Through that she encounters small children and travel. This is her story.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday 31 January 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Paris Saturday 29 January 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
The signs are my favorite.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Baby Day Thursday 27 January 2011
The day I was in every baby room. I decided that since this was that day, it would be a great idea to talk about the babies and the baby rooms. I am going to do my best to mask the kids. I am doing this by not giving you their names. I am going to make the rooms different letters as well… hopefully that masks something. We aren't allowed to post pictures for privacy reasons.
Room Q!
I am going to tell you about the babies, but since I don't know how much I am allowed to actually say as far as names go, I am going to make them up.
H. He is a one year old. Transitioning. I adore him. His mom reminds me of my friend Michelle from Colorado. She comes in and visits him when she has some time. Adorable. You have to do what you can to get time with your kids when you are in situations like the military parents. He has a "hanky" he holds on to. So cute.
N. He is funny. Also one. Also transitioning into a 1-2 yr old room. Next week is his last week in this room. I will be sad to see him go, but since I am an intern for the entire building I will likely get to see him some more. He is ready to transition because he is getting too old for this room, but he may have a hard time because he likes the caregivers in his room so much. Kids at this age often form attachments.
C1. I can not express in words how much I am drawn to this kid. I think it is also because of his parents. They are one of the rare few who can and do drop him off together. They work on the same shift at the same place, so they are usually both bringing him in. They also stay for a while and talk and play with him. So cute, so cute. He is a really fast crawler. I was thinking about his parents story. They met when they were really young. I think I actually dreamed about them the other night. That was interesting. I didn't realize it was a dream for a long time.
S. This is a little girl. She is cute and is of the age of stranger anxiety. She I would describe as a doll to people in Kentucky. He mom puts her in cute outfits as well. He mom is beautiful. She has some asian in her I believe, so that just adds to her cuteness. She didn't like me for the first little bit, but after a few hours she warmed up and now even will let me touch her and play with her.
T. Another little girl. Small and cute. She doesn't like to be put down after she has been picked up. I usually have to sneak attack her with my leaving. She eats table food, but I forget that a lot, because she doesn't crawl or walk yet. Just sits. Thus I think she is younger than she is.
R. Sits by himself just fine. I have a place in my heart for him, because he was the first baby I took care of at the CDC. It was during my observations. I like him. he definitely sprit up on me the day i wrote this.
C2. Really small. This one makes me nervous. I haven't quite figured out his temperament yet. This has a lot to do with his being so young. He is adorable though. I knowI have basically said they were all adorable. He is a squishy one. That's the age he is at. Today was the first time I saw him roll over. That was very exciting.
L. He is a movie star. He has a movie star name. I like him a lot. He is bald and beautiful. He laughs and smiles like no other baby. When I am in a neighboring room, I look for him through the windows. He also has the best baby shoes ever, because they STAY ON! I like his face. He is easy to forget about though, as far as care goes, because he sleeps so much usually his care involves making sure he is breathing and still sleeping. Oh, also… he is a messy eater. He is one of my favorites. I guess I could say that about all of the babies though.
Room T
Babies are as follows:
J. He is one of my favorites. He laughs when you smile at him. He was getting over RSV when I met him. His hair sticks up because it is short. Almost spiky. He doesn't like to eat. He doesn't always let you put the food in his mouth. I am trying to decide if this means he is playing or just eating slowly? I don't really care. I may not have yet expressed, but I enjoy feeding babies baby food. Though it is challenging when an older baby is doing everything they can to hit the bowl with a toy.
Z. She i mix up with L sometimes, because I haven't spent as much time in that room and they look similar. Similar size and age, and when you only have two days with a kid, and they are wearing a different outfit the next time, challenge comes in. She sleeps well, but stirs easily. She is almost one. She can hold her own bottle. This room has a lot of almost one year olds.
L. Similar to Zoey. She is bigger though. Possibly older? She keeps quiet, and kind of walks around keeping to herself unless someone else tries to involve themselves with her, or she is bored.
I. Small. Very small. Similarly small to N in Room X, but N is MUCH smaller. She had stranger anxiety when I first met her, but after that first twenty minutes or so she was completely over it. You have to really decide if you want to pick her up though. There is no putting her down without tears after that. She just likes company. With babies, this happens. It also makes sense, but when ratios are 1 to 4 you can't hold all the babies all the time. Would not be able to properly care for them.
B1. This is a boy who I have met. He doesn't have a baby face. He is one of the cutest babies there, because he is so striking. He smiles a lot. Easy baby as far as tears are concerned. He is easy to fall in love with. When I peek in this room on a day i am not working there he is one of the ones I am really sad not to see. Just as babies have the ones they attach to, caregivers too have ones they are more attached to, but when giving care, you can not think or act this way. I try to spend equal time holding each baby. Especially in room Q, I try to spend one on one time with each of them, because I feel as if they all have a special place for me in their hearts as well, where as this room, I haven't been three long enough for all of them to care one way or the other about me.
M. VERY YOUG. I love her. She is very young though. Probably the youngest baby I care for. The only other option would be C2 in Room Q. she laughs when you change her. She smiles when she is awake and laughs. The rest of the time she is asleep.
B2. A girl. I haven't met her. She hasn't been in the room when I was there.
Room X
This room has A LOT of older babies. All of them are mobile.
L1. Only one of them is semi stationary, and she was a premie, so I am not sure about her development. Not that I think anything of her, I just know that with premies there is often development things in the first few years that are behind, and I don't really know how old she is. I have to admit that she is one of my favorites though. I spend a little quality time with her when I am in that room, because she seems to really enjoy that one on one time. With babies who are almost one, a lot of them like to go off an explore on their own.
L2. If I could describe him as a fictional character it would be Sunny Baudelaire with more crying. He is at that stage when he just cries. He tends to have no "in need of care" reason, but he has some personal reason or he wouldn't be crying. If someone walks in, if someone walks near, if nothing at all changed, if he is confused, I really don't know what the reason is. At first i tried to comfort him a lot, but after seeing his teachers kind of allow him to self soothe with some added talk, that is what I do. I like him a lot though, and I think he has a cool name and a cute face. He is one of the ones that has taught me that I can handle infant crying and not get impatient. I guess actually, all of them have taught me this. I could read a book with the soundtrack of crying infants in the background. (screaming in pain or upset is not the same as crying, just saying, so that neglect comments don't come my way.
N. AWWW. The smallest almost one year old I have ever seen. She was premature, and is a small girl in general. At first i though she was going to be a spit fire because of stranger anxiety things when I first met her, but she is actually very sweet with me. She plays peek a boo around objects, and laughs like no other. She giggles and is just cute. I love holding her. P.S. I also thing she has the best bottles of all the babies in all the rooms that i have personally fed. I like her bottles. If I have kids and if I bottle feed i am going to look for those bottles. I also worry about her transition, just because she is so small. EEK… those kids are a lot bigger.
A. She cries for no care needed reason as well. She could be walking fine, and just start crying. SHe is learning to walk. She just needs to push over the fear and she will be fine. She has the balance and the skill, now she needs the confidence. I don't know how she feels about me. I feel like she cares about all people the same way in general… this is in exception to her parents and family, fore I am not around them and there for have no idea. I am mainly talking caregivers in the CDC. She smiles though, and that makes me glad.
A2. Boy. Quite. Loves to have a blanket. As does H in Room Q. I thought he was a cries, because he cried when I first came in, but since that first day, he is the quietest baby in the entire building. He keeps to himself and doesn't really make a fuss about anything. Hunger. Needing Changing. These things you just have to know, because that is the kind of baby he is.
I. Stranger anxiety. Also, the prettiest little girl. I like her curls. Her mom is also VERY pretty. She sleeps well, but she definitely has her people preferences. Again, nothing wrong with this, just a challenge when giving care.
D. Transitioned. She was ready. She just liked to explore on her own and do things. Cried a little, but usually because she was tired or needed something. She had on the cutest outfit yesterday. I would wear it. Really, I would. Just in a different not quite toddler size.
Just some pre-toddlers I have slightly gotten to know through code 2's and other room things.
One room I really like has a few pre-toddlers I remember.
A. He is a spitfire. Likes to hit other kids into walls. It's that age. I assume he is the oldest in this room. He likes to look to see if you are watching, then ram another kid.
M. Adore this kid, mainly because she looks to me like what Sofia will look like at her age. When I see her, I think of Sofie. Thus the reason why she is my favorite pre-toddler. That can't be fair though. We all know how much I adore that Sofie. Who can win when I see her? This kid is talkative. She is just nice. When I come in the room she always tell me about what they are doing or involves me in some way. I like her a lot. She also tells you when she is poppy. She says.. "Hey, I'm poppy." Maybe potty training is soon?
C. I like his name and I like his face. He is a smaller boy in his class though he is tall. He gets pushed a lot, and he likes to come tell me. I feel for him, because I don't like when some kids push on others. He looks smart.
B. Reddish head. Cute. Talks some. Don't know a whole lot about him.
Those are some of the kids I see 5 times a week. I like them a lot, and through them I am learning a lot about the different personalities of children. You have to treat them all as individuals, because that is what they are. They are also all at different points in their development. Our job is to learn about the particular kid and help them develop to the next level at a pace that works for those kids. Along the way I get to hug, hold, and play with some special people.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Great Day Wednesday 26 January 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Shopping Monday 23 January 2011
Thoughtful Monday 24 January 2011
An air force wife said this to me
"I am basically a single mom with a full time job and a husband who is gone 8 months out of the year."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
First Sunday 23 January 2011
I went to Faith Baptist Church in Kaiserslautern. As some of you are aware I checked this church out before I left. What you may not know is that the reason I felt good about this church was that the youth pastor had links to the passion messages on his youth ministry blog!
Also, check out the church's personal statement:
Ministry Statement
"These ministries are not about a building, not about programs or services, but about the people that make up our church body. Everyone is welcome to join us in any of our activities and opportunities, but most of all we want you to know you are welcome to be a part of our body"
I was emailing late last night about a ride to church. I am not allowed to drive while I am on my internship, so I have to rely on other forms of transportation. Given that that is how I function in the States, this was nothing new for me. Jan (Yawn) was trying to find a family who lived on base to provide a ride for me, but it ended up being Alex, a volunteer who came for me.
Early this morning I woke up and prepared myself for church. I didn't know if a ride was found, but I dressed none the less. Around 9 ish, a knock was heard at our door and a guy asked for "Amanda?" I figured this was my ride, and I hopped in. Don't worry, I asked some questions first, but I am up for adventure! Church was off base in a near by town, but not at all far. I walked around the church and immediately was aware of the family feel. I was introduced to people and shown the radical youth room. The colors were bright and fun, the students were having a good time, and there is this snack room that has a lot of popcorn and soda pop. I don't know if all of this is free, because i myself did not venture into that room, but I imagine that it is based on the number of kids grabbing and snacking.
Eventually Alex pointed me in the direction of the sanctuary, and I, of course, sat down in the front row. The style was a little more old fashioned than "The River", but I think that was very okay with me. Sometimes I am just in the mood for a good hymn. We sang, "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", "Open the Eyes of my Heart Lord", "It is Well", and "Amazing Grace." I was so in love with my morning. I kept thinking "God, you have given me a wonderful life. You have lead me to a place, in the middle of a country I haven't even been in for a week, where I can worship you, with no worries." How great was that!?
After that the church breaks up for Sunday school or for the other service. I went down and was involved in an 11th and 12th grade girls Sunday school study through James. They were in James chapter two, so it was fun that WIRED recently went through James. Sad thing was… and this isn't very sad… I was freezing cold in that basement, and my coat was upstairs on the coat rack. The study was fun though, and it was nice to meet a few students and other Christians from the area.
After study time I was initially going to head to the KMCC and eat lunch with some people. The KMCC is basically a mall. Alex was going to take me there with him, but as we were leaving Jan and his wife invited me to come over to their home and have lunch with their family. This I jumped at. I love LOVE love family dinners and lunches. I love eating at tables and I love having family conversation and being in homes, so I was very VERY excited.
We headed to their house and i played with PlayMobile, which is a toy simila to legos and polly pocket. They are completely awesome and I wish they were sold in stores in the states. (Later, Alyssa did tell me that they have them in California... I need to get a hold of some of this stuff.)
I love love love his children. Their names are Nehimiah, Naomi, Ezra, and Gideon. They were so cute and polite. They all liked each other and played well. They had a few sibling tights, mostly related to younger siblings breaking things older siblings were building, but that is all expected. Otherwise, I was just very impressed with their children. Truly love them. Also, they are bilingual, and no… spanish is not their second language… it's GERMAN. I want to point out that i actually think German is a nice language to hear. I liked when the children would switch over and speak German. Beautiful children, beautiful family.
For lunch we had rice, creamed spinach, and chilli. Also, I will mention that the snack was cut up peppers. Mainly orange and red peppers were on the menu, and love cut bell peppers. The kids and the mom took naps. Jan cleaned a little, and I caught up on some of my bible reading. For those of you doing the six month reading plan, I admit… traveling and two Wednesdays ago threw me off bad, but I am catching up now that my jet lag is over and my schedule is better. It was cold there… next time I will remember to bring socks, which little Naomi pointed out that I needed.
I went back to church with Jan later, for evening bible studies. I sat in on a study with Christina and a young girl named Emily. Christina is amazing. we traded information, and she has already offered to have me over to her home on Wednesday before church for dinner. This is the German life i was hoping to get into. Dinners and meals in homes. The traveling will be fun as well, but I want friendships and relationships with friends. That is the Germany I want to know. That is the WORLD I want to know.
I got some calls later from my PC. Apparently the other's were a tad worried about me. This is understandable, as I left for church around nine in the morning and returned around seven. They too had a semi long day out, but expected me home much earlier.
Either way, amazing day, and I am so looking forward to my involvement at FBC, Kaiserslautern and really looking forward to getting to know Christina and the Horak family more.
P.S. I have to let you in on this. When we read Ephesians 2: 8-9 then we read the second chapter of James, we tend to hear about the "contradictions", but someone pointed out today that if you read a tad farther in Ephesians... the works are also mentioned in that chapter. Again, I was reminded that we must study and not listen to propaganda about the word.
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. 1 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~Ephesians 2:8-10
Saturday, January 22, 2011
22 January 2011
Saturday 22 January 2011 12:23
We are sitting in our apartment right now. Two of the girls are talking about their staying after internship plans as we try to figure out which train passes to buy. They are pretty expensive, and we have to determine which cities we want to travel to and how many days we want. We decided we wanted Germany, Benelux, and Czech Republic. Benelux is actually three countries, Belgium and Netherlands and Luxembourg, so it is pretty exciting that I will be able to visit five countries whilst I am here. We are going for ten days over two months, so the adventures are about to begin.
We have some small plans to check out the outside area behind our apartment later, and I want to chillax and eat something soon, so I am going to grab some lunch… probably with Nutella.
I miss America, but I'm loving Germany.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday Forgot to mention
Friday 21 January 2010 18:32
So, this is what I know as of today.
I was walking home from work today. I walked past probably a hundred apartments and houses that looked just like the one I live in. It was like America, with a few differences. I smelled someone cooking chili. I wish I could walk into the houses and meet the families. Why isn't that allowed? Why isn't it socially acceptable to walk into random homes and meet up with the people living there. At least, why isn't it socially acceptable to knock on random doors, and if they aren't busy, be invited in? Is that weird. I would love to meet new and interesting people all the time. I thrive on adventure and new things. If things don't turn out the way you want them too, that is okay, because something fun and unexpected DID happen.
I held a few babies today. I am officially in building 800 which means I am in the infant through toddler rooms every time. I am super stoked. I may smell like milk Monday through Friday, but it is totally worth it!
I am having a lot of Taylor moments currently, because I have watched FRIENDS everyday in Germany.
I have pictures of babies, but it would be illegal to post them here, so I will not tell you.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday 20 January 2011
Germany so far has been….
I stepped foot on my flight to Germany in the wonderful state of Texas. It was Fort Worth Texas, and for those of you Passion 2010 fans, yes… I did say a prayer for Fort Worth.
I arrived in Texas from St. Louis on a plane that was almost twenty minutes early. Was my pilot speeding in the air? This I kind of hope, because the idea of that is very funny to me. Upon my arrival in Texas I had to take the skytrain from Terminal A to Terminal D. I was expecting a lot of really expensive food I was going to have to decide on buying and this is what I did find. I scoped out my gate, bought some Asian food, and called my most loyal friend. Caught some advice from a wise woman, and moved forward to wait the 2 hours at my gate. At the gate I also decided I wanted some ice cream so I moseyed back over to the food area and ran into three other Camp Adventure Interns. No ice cream. They were eating some healthy wrap things, and I sat with them. Eventually we all wound up at the gate together, boarded the plane together, and had different seats. I sat in a row that had five seats, and only one other person in it.
On the flight I had a lot of exhausting fun. I watched The Social Network (and missed the last ten minutes because of this guy who moved into the bathroom), and Life as we know it. For those of you office fans out there, I also watched two episodes of that and an episode of House. I also slept a tad, but this random lady ended up sleeping on my extra seats, then having a long conversation with me as my eyes fell asleep on her a lot. She was very afraid of the turbulence.
In Germany we wandered a little, and waited for luggage. I will point out that I am one of two that brought the most luggage… mine wasn't very full though, so I claim to be on even playing ground. We met Sam Turner, out PC and Jeff, our dude that drove us around. We were exhausted. Mind you, at this point most of us have been up for at least 19 hours… I had been up for 19 hours…. (with the exception of maybe an hour on the plane). We drove an hour or so to base, then waited outside for our paper permission to get on base. It is now 0900 in Germany… We wait about an hour, then we take pictures for our identification that lets us on and off of base. We go to our apartment.
At the apartment, the three other girls and I live together in one apartment with FOUR rooms and two bathrooms. Sweet, I agree. Thank you God, because I was just asking to have my own room and to live in an apartment with a group of girls. It hasn't really occurred to me that both would even be an option! I am so super STOKED about that!
We had a meeting… we were all falling asleep fast. We went to an ATM and I got some Euros. Then we went to a bank and I exchanged for some Euros. Then we went off base to a german grocery store to shop for groceries. That was fun. We went home, unpacked for a while. Got on the internet. tried to sat awake to prevent horrible jet lag. It was now almost 34 hours awake. I finally went to bed.
We were up at 0700 the next morning to start training. I thought I was over the jet lag… I did not wake up until my alarm went off, but I was awake. We trained, sat, tried to stay awake. Met some people. Military people, I think are very friendly. Military families. They have to be friendly quick. They move a lot, and people are often new. It is a cutter all it's own.
More training, meetings, visas, more pictures, and being tired. I had a fun conversation with a friend from back home. I miss them…
Then today… in the nursery. My assignment was at 0615, so I was up at 0515. The CDC is right down the street, so I am very excited about that. There was a pot luck today, which was fun. There are eight babies in the room I was in, and I am hoping it becomes my permanent placement. Please!!!??? Pretty please?
I smell like spoiled milk. I was called a Cuban Latina. I got to wear slippers all day, and I found out about a trip to Paris we are likely going to go on! EXCITED. Europe, here I come.
Also, Germany… maybe I will keep up with the updates. Hopefully i am one of those people!