Friday, March 4, 2011

@Skype Me!

So there I was... sitting in my dining room with my Skype on. No one ever Skypes me out of the blue, so I went to change my Skype setting to something better than online. I switched to the "Skype Me" setting. In my mind, this meant that my friends would see the cute little symbol by my name and know that I was in the mood for some serious Skypeing.

No dice. This really means that creepy Egyptian men are going to instantly chat you up, Skype you, and demand that you "Turn on your Cam!"

False buddy, I am turning off my cam, having some fun, and then blocking you and the 13 other guys who chatted my Skype. Thank you, Skype, for an entertaining night with my room mates, but I think your Skype Me setting should come with a warning.

I don't think I will ever be bored enough to try that again, but I will admit, it was nice to have something to laugh with my room mates about!

This is the random selection of pictures I took of the room I consider my original and well loved room.

Notice that there are no pictures of children. They were there. Six of them. I just couldn't show them here. That would be opening their beautiful faces to the likes of the internet. Bogus.
I am really going to miss this room. I love these kids. Especially the Hummingbird.
This looks like a repeat, but it's not.
Did you notice Elmo and his location. He does the Hokey Pokey. My favorites love him!

Also, last night I went to Mama West's. It's a "soul food" restaurant.
She has a good story. Her son is a soldier. She came over and opened a soul food restaurant as her way of supporting the troops.
I promise you it felt like I was sitting in the middle of a grandmother's kitchen, hearing the aunts and cousins complain about gas prices. The food was pretty good, but that isn't why we were there. I went with a friend. A friend I made in Germany. A friend who is leaving soon.
I leave you with

"I am watching Bones, on AFN... Oh, AFN"


  1. Why were there egyptian men on your skype anyway? lol

  2. To find girls who will "Turn on their cams"!
